Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Remember The Milk tip was a winner!

Remember the Milk is my to-do tracking tool - I've used it ever since I replaced my Palm Treo with an Android. I just found out that my Remember the Milk tip on using the advanced search operators in Remember the Milk was a winner of the Tips and Tricks Tuesday. I won another year on my pro level account. Cool!

I just saw some info about a new to-do application called EpicWin. It combines task functionality with a role playing game. I'm not a gamer, but it'll be interesting to see how this works out.

I hope Remember the Milk is investigating some functionality similar to this. Not necessarily a game, but it would be awesome if Remember the Milk could incorporate - I don't know exactly how - some kind of social networking. Something that, for instance, would inspire me to keep on track with my tasks and goals. I had a friend with whom I would check up weekly, we'd chose our 3 goals for the week, and check how we did on the previous weeks goals. A simple thing like this was amazingly effective in getting me going on tasks.

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