Monday, September 25, 2017

The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side of the fence

When Jean and I did a hike last week to Snowgrass Flats, we also walked on the Pacific Crest Trail for a short while, and met some thru-hikers. These are backpackers that are walking from the Mexican to the Canadian border. It's a huge accomplishment to most people, and on a lot of bucket lists.

Thru-hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail
Anyway, I was talking to one of them, and said something self-deprecating like, "We do shorter hiking trips to see the most beautiful areas, nothing like the Pacific Crest Trail, which is such a massive accomplishment". In reply the hiker (I never got his name) went on and on about how he'd love to be doing shorter hikes, or even car camping, where he could bring everything he wanted to, and not need to pay so much attention to how much everything weighed!

I guess by this point he'd been on the trail for about 4 months, and was ready for a change. It was just interesting to meet someone who was doing something that so many people would regard as a major life accomplishment, yet who was tired of it, and would rather be doing something else.

It reminds me of a quote from Jim Carey:

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.

The point being that it's ALL about the journey. Actually getting to the "destination" will not make you happy. So don't plan your life that way!

FYI - I've blogged about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence before:

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