Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus - March 28, 2020

A few more notes about what's going on during the Coronavirus quarantine. Eric did a big grocery shopping trip about a week ago, and I have a scheduled pickup from Fred Meyers, via Instacart, for next Wednesday (the earliest I could get). On the plus side, I can still add things to it. I think the thing to do is create a cart as soon as you get a pickup, and then just add things to it as they come up. Because the problem is actually getting a pick-up time slot. Once you have that, you're good.

I did just see a news article (I'm reading the news WAY too much) saying that Instacart delivery workers were planning to go on strike. That would throw a wrench in this plan.

Still going on our daily walk, every single day. Yesterday we went to walk around the Mercer Slough. Lots of skunk cabbage. 

They has such a strong odor. I don't think it's terrible, but it's definitely pretty...skunky.

I'm calling people lots more. Now that I'm not seeing anyone except family, it's good to connect. My neighborhood book club met last night via Zoom, which worked pretty well. We're meeting once a week now, instead of once a month, which is great.

My friend Jean is flying a lot (she's a flight attendant) and keeps me up with what's happening in the world. Flight volume on planes has absolutely plummeted. Also, they have new rules for what they actually do on planes - they do not take credit cards any more because they don't sell food. They will give out drinks, but only canned drinks. Her main problem on the flights is avoiding boredom, because with such low volume of passengers and restricted service, there's not much for her to do.

I'm not much of a clothes horse, but I've become even less so now. I've basically been wearing the same outfit, all the time. It's not as bad as it sounds - I have half a dozen long-sleeved white shirts that I'm alternating, which is what I'm wearing, along with a fleece top. But still - I've realized that even though I don't think I "dress to impress" - not going out means I do so even less.

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