Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus - March 29, 2020

Today was a busy day socially, I had long conversations with 3 friends on the phone, and will have another tonight. Not as good, for sure, as talking to people face to face, but better than nothing. One of my friends lives in an area with limited internet, and talking on the phone was frustrating. First we tried an actual phone call (poor call quality, still cut out occasionally) and then we switched to Facebook messenger (much better quality, but massive and frustrating latency).

Took a short walk up at the top of the hill. Lots and lots of people walking around. We have a tendency now to walk right down the middle of the street, since there's no traffic.

Yesterday Eric and I took a drive to downtown Bellevue. It's eerie how empty it is. And it's creepy to think of how many people has lost their livelihood, with all the closed shops. Hopefully it will not last long.

Hmm...not sure I have that much else to say! Did I mention my daily checklist? I have a checklist of what I need to do daily (walk on treadmill, family walk, family vitamin D, play ukulele, etc). I've been doing pretty well at checking most of them off every day.

I think I'll finally try sewing a mask. We have some masks, but I'd like to wear one that I sewed myself. I just watched a video about how in the Czech republic, mask-wearing is mandatory, and many people are setting up little home workshops to make them.

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