Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus March 30, 2020

Just got back from a walk around the Coal Creek area, starting around the Newcastle YMCA. There's a lot of new apartment buildings around there. My goal now is for a one hour walk, so we did a few loops around the parking lot before driving back. The area we walked around was previously criss-crossed with train tracks, bringing the coal to Lake Washington. I'm going to try to find a historical map of the area, with the old tracks.

I saw something on Facebook that I really didn't like. On the front page, Facebook is pushing a donation to... get this... the CDC Foundation! Because the CDC did such an outstanding job in the early months of dealing with the Coronavirus! If it's not obvious, I'm being sarcastic. I'm pissed off about this on so many levels. First, Facebook minimized and censored information about Coronavirus. All in the interest of "avoiding panic". And every time you searched for anything coronavirus related on Facebook, they would put first, a link to a stupid CDC web page that said absolutely nothing useful.

I could go on and on about government mismanagement of this situation. The FDA providing limited, inaccurate tests for coronavirus, and preventing other organizations from using their own tests. Actually making it illegal to provide these tests. It boggles the mind. The government pushing the "masks don't work" idea, when the truth was that masks due work, they were in short supply. Other countries dealt creatively with this situation - why didn't we?

Okay...what else is new...Jean and I have a deal. We're each going to complete some task we've been procrastinating on, and send a picture of the completed task. She's done hers for the day - now I need to do mine (which is...starting on the paint touch-up work downstairs again).

Above is a picture of the walk we took today. I think this is where the old train track went.

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