Friday, April 24, 2020

Catching up on a few days...

It's been a quiet few days. I did some productive consulting work the first part of the week. Another project now is getting some of my favorite songs set up in my Ukulele songbook (my personal one). I was introduced to most of them via The Daily Ukulele and The Daily Ukulele - Leap Year Edition. I gave Kenny a programming project, which was to format the song lyrics and ukulele chord notation in a certain way, to make it easier for me to read. Wonder how he'll do with it. If he can make something that works for me, he'll get screen time and I'll also pay him.

I sold another copy of my book Weigh Every Day yesterday. I haven't sold a copy in about a month. The sale made me think - should I start working on it again, the website and promoting it? It's interesting that obesity is such a huge risk factor for coronavirus. Will this cause a surge of interest in losing weight?

The below is from a walk we took at Gene Coulon park. I've seen this kind of thing a few times - people meeting up in parking lots, but still maintaining lots of physical distance.

And these pictures are from making microwave potato chips. They're extremely tasty. A little tedious to make, though. I use the mandolin to make thin, even slices of raw potato, brush oil and sprinkle salt on them, and then put them in the microwave (on a sheet of parchment paper that can be reused) until they turn brown.

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