Saturday, April 18, 2020

Coronavirus - April 18. 2020

I took a walk with Jean this morning at the Larson Lake area, observing "social distancing". Instead of trying to walk side by side, we walked one in front of the other, and talked on the phone, with our headsets. Worked quite well. It's the first time I've seen her in person for a long time, though we've talked most days.

There's frequently quite a few police officers at the Starbucks close to Larson Lake. Well, today a huge group of police officers met at the parking lot next to the Starbucks instead, standing quite far apart from each other, and had some social time.

It's crazy how empty the roads were. That intersection we need to cross to get to Phantom Lake - 156th Ave SE and SE 16th St - was utterly free of cars. We just waltzed across it.

Peter has really been wanting to go biking with a neighborhood friend of his. I'm still saying no.

Later on we took a family walk around the Vuecrest neighborhood. This house, with a Japanese style garden, was interesting.

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