Thursday, April 09, 2020

Coronavirus - April 9, 2020

It's beautifully sunny again today. The kids and I took a bike ride up through Eastgate, towards the Lake Hills area, and then back on 156th.

It's amazing how many people are walking by our house now. Tons and tons of families with kids - where did they all come from?

We do the same thing now, though. Here's the Google maps "personalized timeline" of our walk, looping around the top of our hill (we drive to get to the top):

And this is our walk through Beaux Arts yesterday:

The company I'm doing some consulting for had an emergency production issue this morning. I was able to put in a fix pretty quickly. The only problem is, at the new limit of 5 hours a week (20 hours a month) of consulting, I'll be out of time for the month pretty soon.

People have become very cost conscious, very quickly. My friend Jean, a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines, said they have a new policy now - only bottled water in the cabin (except for the premier class). They're trying very hard to reduce costs.

I'm also trying to reduce costs, in advertising for my SQL Practice Problems book. I was spending about $25/day on advertising. But since sales of the book plummeted, that doesn't make sense anymore. So now, I check every single morning to see if yesterday's advertising paid for itself. If not, I reduce it.

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