Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Coronavirus - April 8, 2020

I did some work for Knowledge Anywhere this morning. I think my performance improvement idea will probably work well. 

Beautiful sunny day today. We took a walk around the Beaux Arts area of Bellevue today - a very interesting old neighborhood. Here's the Wikipedia entry:
Beaux Arts Village was founded in 1908 as an artists' colony and named after the Western Academy of Beaux Arts to which its founders belonged.[5] At the time, one could purchase membership in the Academy for $200. Today, membership in the Academy comes with home ownership.
The roads are extremely narrow, and there are...trails that look like they were roads at one point, but were converted to trails. Also the roads have these huge bumps on them, so ensure people don't drive to fast. Lots of interesting houses and features. 

Here's a few photos from our walk:

Street light growing out of tree 

This mid-century house looks abandoned, or at least empty

Huge cantilevered roof

One more thing - assembled (for the second time, still getting used to it) my new Orukayak. It's still not as easy as I'd like, but it's lots easier than my old one.

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