Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Coronavirus - April 7, 2020

A beautiful day, sunny and warm in the afternoon. I feel like I got a lot done. Bought laptops for the kids (well, worked with Eric to do that), cleaned out some old kids toys in the garage, tidied up the workbench in the garage, and so on.

Tomorrow I'll do some consulting work for Knowledge Anywhere, I have an idea about a performance improvement that should be very helpful.

We took a walk at the top of the hill on our standard loop. We used to do it all together, but I've given up on that, so Peter zips ahead on his scooter, Kenny walks pretty quickly, listening to podcasts or music, and Eric and are both talking to friends while we walk. There's about spots up on the loop where the coverage is poor, so we have to warn whoever we're talking to about that.

I told Kenny he could earn extra screen time (he's playing Grand Theft Auto) by learning how to juggle clubs (the standard was 10 catches). He did, but it doesn't seem like he's having fun doing it, and gets frustrated easily.

After dinner Eric and I took a drive around town. I'm particularly interested in seeing all the changes that have been made for shopper safety in the big stores. This is the Home Depot. Mainly - only take "sanitized" carts, separating out the pro from the diy, and I'm sure they count the number of people coming in the store, and don't permit too many in at the same time.

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