Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus - April 19, 2020 - grocery shopping at Winco and bike ride to Mercer Island lid park

The big new today was that I went grocery shopping for the first time in many weeks, to my favorite store Winco. I was wearing a mask, as most people were - probably about 80 percent. None of the employees were, though. I was disappointed that the bulk foods section is shut down, though I guess it's no surprise. Also I was surprised at how uncomfortable my mask was. It constrains my breathing a lot. It's probably a good thing for limiting virus transmission, but not so good for breathing. As soon as I was in the car I took it off.

It was honestly a little eerie to see how much things have changed since the last time I was in the grocery store. We've been doing delivery for some time now, and things have changed dramatically. At Winco, even though I was there between 7:45 and 8:15 in the morning, there was a long line to check out. It wouldn't have been that long if people hadn't stayed apart 6 feet, and it moved pretty quickly.  It must be really inconvenient when the store is busier, because even so early the line reached halfway down the store.

In the afternoon we took a bike ride to the Mercer Island lid park. I decorated Peter with dandelions, he did the same for me (though I'm not showing that picture).

I video called my mom later on in the day with Duo, and played some songs on the ukulele for her. It worked out quite well. I might try doing that for other people too...could do a mini "concert", maybe, on Facebook live?

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